Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Write Because (1)

This is an 'experiment' I like to do on my own, as well as with my creative writing group. You come up with different answers every time. It is a continual source of self-discovery. I share these against my better judgement. After all, I have a weird sense of humour. 

- i sometimes have the notion of a green sky and bright orange trees, and it's only right that i should document such phenomena.
- it's my duty. my mother had lost her soul to a minor demon and could only get it back if she promised her first-born child to the services of apollo.
- coffee makes me high, and in that state one can get really entertaining poetry.
- as my pen scrawls i feel like i'm dancing as my feet cannot
- i was seven when i declared i'd be a writer, and nigh-on-thirteen years later my pride has not allowed me to repeal the vow.
- yes, i apparently did make a vow. to whom? i write to find out, hoping that i can catch him peeking over my shoulder.
- it's better (i stubbornly believe) than having a love life
- imagination's the only method i might ever get of having a love life
- i like putting my secrets at risk of discovery when i commit them to paper. a thrill-seeker, me.
- in stubborn denial of reason.
 the sound of scribbles can be grounding. or titillating.
- i am a hypocritical environmentalist. i enjoy working with paper. a lot.
- the soul needs to pour itself somewhere when it gets too unruly to contain.
- i need to feel i have the licence to change everything by twisting my mind into knots and then unraveling them into a golden-thread cat's cradle


  1. I ate all your words. I liked the mango ones the best.

  2. YES! Mango words are indeed beyond compare. But could have left me some of my favorites....
